Just Listen

*Originally posted on everythingbutthecat.net June 14, 2014

I am very excited to have been asked to write a blog for ‘EBTC’. Adrianna has been instrumental in bringing the Stress Kit to light, and for her I wasn’t going to say no.
She has asked me to write “5 ways for defeating stress” But if I could let you in on a little secret… I have really broken it down to one.


That’s it. I just said it. No really, it’s listening.

It has become my mantra, and an effective one. But this wouldn’t be a blog without an explanation.

Listen to the voices: We all have an inner dialogue. But some of our internal dialogue is self-defeating, and it is important to challenge that inner dialogue when it begins to prevent us from living our lives and being happy. If we don’t listen to it, it will only get louder. So listen to that voice, and then say ‘Okay I’ve heard you. Now you are going to sit over on the sidelines while I move forward.’ And then notice it get quieter as you walk away.
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Listen to yourself before you listen to others: You will get lots of advice over your lifetime—some of it good, some of it bad. Confidence comes from testing those lessons and learning what is right and what is wrong for you. Now this doesn’t mean you can ignore them all together, but like the voices in your head it is important to know when to put them aside and when to take it in. It takes courage to challenge some one else, especially when they are a mentor or authority, but developing the confidence to listen to your self is an important skill—one that people will respect, even if they don’t agree.

Listen to your body: Your body can give away a lot of information about what you are thinking. In fact your body could be the cause of some of your most negative thoughts. Not eating properly, and not exercising could have a negative effect on your thought patterns as your body struggles to function on fumes. As you get tired and stressed, and knots start to develop in your shoulders, are you listening to what your body needs? Or are you supplicating caffeine and sugar to get yourself through the next hours. Listening to the body is one of the major ways of avoiding stress.

Listen with all 5 senses: Yes I know that sentence is flawed in many ways. But it seems like we very rarely engage all 5 senses at once these days. Most of the time we are staring at electronics, or listening to headphones. But we don’t actually take in the world around us. Have you smelled a phone? It’s not that great. So every once in a while I remind myself to wake up my other senses. I have recently found myself going to markets just to take in the smells, to touch the merchandise, and to look somewhere beyond a foot in front of my face.

Listen to Nature: While you are unplugged. Take yourself as far out into nature as possible—even if it is a park in the middle of the city. Close your eyes, shut off your inner voice, and take it in. It can tell you more about yourself than you ever thought you wanted to know.

The result of all this listening; is that you become present. You will start to feel restless and want to explore more and try new things. You may even enjoy yourself!


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