New Year, New Beginnings

As the years move forward, we want to believe that things are going to get better. We make resolutions to become ideal versions of ourselves and we try not to let the past keep us where we are. But the outside world has other plans. We end up eating the same take-out, watching the same TV shows, and thinking the same miserable thoughts, that ‘things will never change’. But we have the capacity for change, we just need to exercise it.

This is an excerpt from the Stress and Anxiety Workbook:


Anxiety is based on faulty thinking patterns. Assumptions that you have made about the world around you. It’s very easy to convince ourselves of irrational things if we apply faulty thinking.

It’s hard to say where faulty thinking starts. It could be because of a major trauma that we’ve experienced, or it might be a habit we picked up from a family member or friend. Sometimes we learn that our thoughts are doing more harm than good, therefore we need to learn to change them.

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As children, we are all scientists experimenting with the world around us. For some reason, as we get older, we start to think that we have the answers to a few things, and we rarely stop to look at the evidence any more. Our lives are too busy to treat each situation with care.

It’s time to slow down and think! Remember what it was like to learn for the sake of learning, and not be afraid of what the next person will think.

Anxiety is, in some form, a lack of confidence. It is wanting things to stay the same for the sake of normalcy, so that you can be right even though you may know deep down you could be wrong. I am hoping that everyone that reads this challenges themselves in 2014 to question what they ‘know’ and to seek new answers for things that they were sure about in 2013. This is one of my goals.

Happy New Year

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